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In Response to MrBeast
In strategy games ownership is an effective and simple essential game mechanics. This is neccessary because in strategy games you usually just command the units, not directly controlling them. But in clonk thats not the case. You directly control your units and you have to bring your units to the certain structure to use the structure. Thus there is no need for ownership except for some few things like the clonks, winning goals (for example the Flag in CTF) or automated structures.
However I think there is a "non-magic" way of ownership for automated structures which could turn out as pretty good. AI-Guards. When you build an structure like, maybe, an tower from which you can shot enemies from far. The tower is completly neutral. Whoever gets on the tower can use it. However you (others can do that, too, if they are near enough) can grab the tower and choose in an menu to hire archers for the tower (costs gold). Those will now automatically attack enemies. To get in control of the tower your enemy now needs to kill your AI-Archers and hire some own archers for it.
This idea can be used for other structures, too. The guards of an elevator could automatically drive the elevator to waiting friendly Clonks. The guards of an bridge-tower could automaticly lower it to let friends in.
One could even expand this concept to production structures. An "guard" of an weaponsmith could automatically smith weapons if the neccessary materials are delivered. Or an "guard" of an sawmill could automatically cut down trees.

As overview:
* Buildings are always neutral when build. Anyone can use them and they have no (ownership related) automation.
* You can spend gold on hiring clonk controlled by an AI. How the AI acts like is different from building to building. (Examples: AI on top of tower shoots arrows at enemies, AI assigned to watchpost patrols, AI assigned to blacksmith builds swords [or any other assigned product] when the material for that is delivered)
* You hire the clonks directly at the building.
** You can only hire clonks for that building if no clonk of the enemy is hired for it.
* (Ownership related) Automation is done by the AI's. (For example the AI of an elevator could drive the elevator to waiting friendly clonks)
** Attackers can stop the automation by killing the AI's.

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