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In Response to ala
I actually wrote a big german building concept, which is still not finished. But gives me much trouble translating and I also sort of lost track of all those words O_o.

A summary:

Part 1:
1. Starting position and placement: With mouseklicks and a starting area
2. Basic properties of buildings: Room for materials and clonks, resistance against fire and disasters
3. About materials in buildings: Substitute Materials for buildings - build a hut out of stone, wood, loam or whatever without 100 different building types.
4. The building menu: The old one sucked - I propose a new one.

Part 2:
5. Tools: Axe, Hammer, Shovel, flints: In theory it should be possible to settle without buildings, but very slow.
6. The Base and it's functions: Which we discussed already: Shelter, trading, healing, claim ownership, etc. etc.
7. Trading, Money, Gold: Aid settlement, value gold, no transport beaming.
8. Transportsystems: pretty much like clonkonaut, see my rail system posting.

Part 3:
9. About ressources, mining and energy: Improving materials - all that transport building, and the mine is worn out in 5 minutes? No way!
11. Attacking and defending buildings: Buildings and their defence, explosions - rockets, fire concept from Zapper, ownership concept from Zapper and Peter.
12. Strategy: Rush, Air bases, underground bases, bases against disasters, big castles, mines... It's all there!


So Point 1 for starters. I hope motivation will let me write all of it down.

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