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In Response to PeterW

> scenario local request-based (Nachfragebedingt) items for a scenario

Not sure. When we define the production trees, it would be a lot easier if we already knew which items we should be able to sell in the end. This way we might get a different infinite-money-loop in each scenario. Gold is always valuable, (refined?) oil is always valuable.

> I also sort of tried to make it more human by introducing script based traders.

Uhm, I am sort-of against making anything human. I always feel like it raises unhelpful expectations with the player :)

In my mind, if it has two legs, stands upright and talks, it should be player-controlled.

> As well, that's the reason I don't like your building beaming and buying items at buildings. Because it ruins transport. You're system as I remember it works as well (especially in combat), but favours the opposit direction: less transport.

Building beaming? Not sure what you mean there.

And phew, "ruining"? Let's step back here. Well yes, having a system without transport is one part of the plan. Let's face it - not every scenario wants players to have to bother about buildings cables. If we don't build it in, every such scenario will have their own hack to allow players to get around it. Just look at Floor Fight: So many "manaless" variants, even though it doesn't really make sense. We can't just ignore this because we might like high-minded long-winding settlement scenarios ourselves.

So yes, having money is meant to be OC's "easy" mode. Where you can just slap your base wherever you want it. Where you don't even have to care about base resources. Where you can make another base all across the landscape without having to worry about transport. Which is its own brand of fun.

But this isn't ruining anything. The basic idea is that the if you want the player to go to the full length, you just have to limit his money. Now you have to be careful about placement. Now you have to see trees as more than decoration. Now you have to worry about how you could get a lorry full of useful stuff to your second base.

I just get the feeling that people keep misunderstanding that part of my concept. What you describe is exactly where I want to get to - in the "hard" "no-money" mode.

> Region-based trading

Well, if you and Zapper insist. I do like trading games in principle, but it feels rather out-of-place to me in Clonk. Especially following the train of thought from above: Money should be easy. The goal of a big settlement should be to stop using money at all. This seems like the opposite direction.

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