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In Response to PeterW

> All? Imagine the trouble of 5 lorries at the same position. As well: Imagine klicking on a building in combat with a bow.

I don't really understand those "and what if there are many objects at that point" arguments. How often do you really have 5 lorries at the same position? That's a bad idea no matter how, I think it's fair to expect the player to move them away. Note that in CR it was impossibly to interact with them - now it is "just" a bit less convenient.

Alternatively, I would suggest that you'd walk a few pixels further, and then use interact-click to open exactly the menus you want.

Oh yeah, and after playing a bit of OC I think I'd really like if the menu was open only as long as you hold space (= interact?). That works well with Zapper's interact+click approach, and makes for an easy way out if you get "stuck" in menus. Just think about the newbie seeing an enemy approach: I think it is a bad idea to have to press a key in order to close menus.

(Also you should still be able to walk around with open menus, I'm not sure that was clear from my text. Say, get something from a lorry while pushing it around)

> We need a very fast way to change menu's. Once the menues are opend numbers could do:

Huh? Not sure I understand what you want. Why do we need buttons and numbers? Why not just open all of them?

> where I propose flags, which are like the CR flags but can be attached to buildings, the attacher gains access to the building temporally, although an enemy flag pole is near.

Still not very enthusiastic. It goes directly against what I'd want to achieve with the flags: Large base areas, where the player does *not* have to worry about something working for the enemy.

> As well: Vehicles should be free of owner issues - free to use for all of the clonks, or what do you think?

Hm, that's tricky indeed. An enemy emptying your loaded catapult into your own base is a problem. On the other hand, it seems wrong to just lock them. I'd be tempted to say that we leave them unlocked in the first design, hoping that powerful structural buildings balance it out.

> These categories could be displayed in ring menu order.

Well, as said earlier, I would only use the quarter above the Clonk for a ring. But that's more than enough space for 5 or so items. Construction isn't really a time-critical job either, so we don't have to be super-efficient here.

> 1. could be confusing: Why was my sulphur not put into the lorry (for example if I'd put sulphur out of the chemical plant and there also is a lorry), but into the plant?

Would it? Obviously if you're taking sulphur out of the plant it shouldn't end up in the plant again, but in the lorry. Can't really think about many problematic situations, to be honest. Also note that this is just for the shortcut "Single-Click" interface. If you want more control, you should use drag & drop.

> You also plan on having drawbridges, doors etc. as real buildings.

Not real buildings, more building attachments ("features").

> As I certainly can imagine that a drawbridge might be put at a tower, the feature could get confusing: Imagine the trap door from Clonkrage, which only can be build at normal walls (not one with features like a chamber), such things we shall never do again.

Huh? Just to make it clear again: The idea is to roll all structural buildings into one (the wall). So we don't have "towers" or "chambers" anymore, just walls with different attachments.
* CR tower = wall with two doors left & right, trapdoor roof, fundament
* CR drawbridge = wall with drawbridge left and/or right, normal roof, fundament
* CR chamber - we don't have those anymore. Use a lorry to store objects. Edit: Or more realistically, build a chest. For those it would make sense to lock in enemy base regions.
* CR hall = walls, with removed roof

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