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In Response to Newton

>Yeah well, if everybody stopped questioning my ideas it would be much easier! ;)

I might question them again if someone implemented it.
I have to admit, I dont even read the long discussions about building concepts anymore cause out of the last ones, never something solid came out. I am kinda waiting for a ... "Venga, vamos!" (OK, lets go!) to set the OC team in motion, the rest will be designed on the way.

I know, this comment is not exactly fruitful for the discussion but just in case you wondered why its always only (the same) 2-3 people talking about it, I am not the only one who grew wary of those discussions - as interested as I am in the development of the production lines and buildings.

That is why it I reckon it is a excellent idea to propose to first implement a prototype scenario (yourself) to show of how the system would look like and build the basics of it.

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