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Up Topic Who develops the base of the engine?

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In Response to Newton
Ah, now I get it. Like Günther already said:

OpenClonk development will start from the source of the Clonk Rage engine of course. But right now, Matthes did not push the code into the ISC license yet - only said he plans to push Clonk into the direction of Open Source / ISC when the time is ripe. Till then, the development of the engine lies continuously in the hands of the "RWD Mitarbeiter"s (also called: Clonk-Team) - compare with GWE. However, this does not mean that the development of OpenClonk is stalled, the members of Clonk-Team like Günther, Isilkor, PeterW, Sven2, Clonkonaut etc. are the ones who push OpenClonk development the most. It only means that for the time being, the development of only the engine is limited to the former Clonk-Team. You can still give them patches for the engine (as the source for the engine is freely accessable) that they can apply after review and you can still develop and conceptionalize ingame content. And thats (the second) what the community can focus on already right now, even though there is no OpenClonk repository available on sourceforge (yet).
And actually, the faster we develop the content and changes to the engine for OpenClonk, the faster will matthes push Clonk into OpenSource.

Did I achieve in clarifying this to you?

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