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In Response to MrFoamy

I first heard about clonk yesterday and me and my friend had so much fun climbing the outside of Shiver Peak that i decided to have a go at making it a bit more of a challenge. So far i've got it pretty challenging and it works well but as i've never coded in C4Script before and i dont understand the way the engine works so my knowledge of C can only take me so far.

Firstly in order to get the spawn out of the mountain i moved it to the edge and used the checkpoint dynamite clearing method to open it up. The problem is that the explosives cause rubble which hurts the players when they spawn. Is there any way of either clearing the space without rubble or of making the people invulnerable for a short while?

On the other hand we have found that the fall damage is almost non existent and so i'm wondering if it would be possible to make it a bit more powerful?

Lastly, my vision is to make it a highly cooperative climbing experience so i'd love to be able to give each player a different kit load-out when they spawn but i cant seem to get the map to differentiate between players when they spawn.

And for a bonus question it would be awesome if the grappling hook didn't attach to ice or snow very reliably.

Thanks for the help.

EDIT: I also seem to have run into a problem with eclipse as whenever i try to run a scenario it immediately crashes the engine. It also says that debugging is not supported when i try to use the debugger. Not sure what i did as even stock scenarios crash.

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