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Up Topic Mountain climbing scenario help

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In Response to Newton
Hi MrFoamy
Glad to hear that you like the scenario and would even like to improve it! I for my part always played it very... non-cooperative ;-)

>Is there any way of either clearing the space without rubble

have you tried the function DigFree?

>On the other hand we have found that the fall damage is almost non existent and so i'm wondering if it would be possible to make it a bit more powerful?

There is no falling damage in Clonk. IMO it shouldn't be enabled for just one scenario. If, it should be standard but I reckon that many people would not like that, to have his clonk vulnerable like that. Anyway, this would require a bit more knowledge about C4Script. You basically catch the Hit callback and check for the speed the clonk had on impact - then you deal damage accordingly.

>so i'd love to be able to give each player a different kit load-out when they spawn but i cant seem to get the map to differentiate between players when they spawn.

I haven't looked into the (respawn) code yet, but each player is numbered in the script. This number should be passed around in any function that deals with the respawning of the player as well as the initial spawn of the player (InitializePlayer function).

>And for a bonus question it would be awesome if the grappling hook didn't attach to ice or snow very reliably.

I think that feature would be considered as a bug then ;-). You would have to write an #appendto script to the grappler which you then put into System.ocg/Grappler.c (or something) of your scenario which overwrites the parts of the grappler where it is about attaching to surfaces. Could be not-so-easy to do.

>have run into a problem with eclipse as whenever i try to run a scenario it immediately crashes the engine. It also says that debugging is not supported when i try to use the debugger. Not sure what i did as even stock scenarios crash.

Do you use the release version or a nightly build/development snapshot? You should use a development snapshot for developing (IMO).

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