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Up Topic Mountain climbing scenario help

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In Response to MrFoamy
Thanks for the fast response.

>have you tried the function DigFree?

No but i'll give it a go when i get the editor working again.

>I haven't looked into the (respawn) code yet, but each player is numbered in the script. This number should be passed around in any function that deals with the respawning of the player as well as the initial spawn of the player (InitializePlayer function).

Thinking about it now when i tried to do it before with a couple if statements i didn't know what the syntax was so it probably would work if i fixed that.

>Do you use the release version or a nightly build/development snapshot? You should use a development snapshot for developing (IMO).

I downloaded the snapshot but found lots of textures to be missing and so didn't use it for the editing. Is that not supposed to happen? I've only tried the 64bit version.

I think i'll experiment for a bit when i get it running again and then have a go with the more advanced parts. Good to know that theoretically it should all be possible though.

EDIT: Actually thinking about it I remember the first time i downloaded the dev snapshot i got a bunch of errors extracting it with winrar. I just tried again and they're still there. Maybe the file on the server is corrupt?

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