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Up Topic First thoughts about a fitting (hostile) AI animal

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In Response to Zapper
This will be a presentation of an AI concept hoping that someone would be willing to do the model for it afterwards (Ringwaul??). ;)

The AI is a creature of about half of the Clonk's height. Because of the behavior (described in the next paragraphs) it makes sense to imagine it as some sort of "spider".

One important feature about the creature is that it uses some sort of tunnels represented by holes in the tunnel-material. The creature can either be actually in the landscape or in some sort of in-tunnel-mode where it is invisible and can not interact with the landscape.

On landscape creation every five (or so) creatures will form a group and start in a randomly created first tunnel entrance in the depths of the earth (this "nest" is always pretty deep down!).
They will a) dig a little cave around this first tunnel entrance (="nest") and b) start to move more or less randomly around the landscape in "tunnel mode" (=invisible).
When they hit a tunnel or another cave (for example dug by Clonks) they might spawn another tunnel entrance there. The amount of entrances per creature is limited (around 1 or 2). Only those tunnel entrances are an exit point for the creature from where it can actually enter the landscape. They might do that if they find objects of interest in front of one of their tunnel entrances - those objects are then collected and hidden in the tunnel system. When leaving a tunnel entrance in hurry, random objects from within the system may be scattered from said entrance.
The creature can, however, nearly instantly enter the tunnel system and go into "invisible mode". This makes getting stuck somewhere a lot harder and serves as a good escape if it finds itself in danger.

*Positive interaction with the player:
The player might be able to get random items that are hidden in the tunnel system if - for example - carefully placing other objects (or food!) in front of tunnel entrances.
The tunnel entrances sound like a natural way to (re-)establish vegetation in tunnel systems that have been harvested fallow (Ger.: "brach") by the player or that have been freshly dug - they could for example spawn mushrooms or moss without it looking like that vegetation would spawn out of nowhere.
Since the creature is able to use some sort of silk thread to attach itself to the ceiling, the nest of the creature could be a rewarding yet dangerous place for the player to visit (in case we implement something like cloth).

*Negative interaction with the player:
Tunnel entrances pose a constant threat to Clonks. Especially in often used tunnels to your mine. You will not always (or even rarely) be attacked by one of the creatures when you walk past a tunnel entrance. But you cannot rely on that!
The creature is capable of attacking Clonks from melee range. (Or even shoot silk at them - that has yet to be decided ;)  )
When the Clonk fights back the creature is very well able to put up a good fight or even decide to retreat if the Clonks fall back to something as cowardly as ranged weapons.

How I imagine them at the moment:

the size:

carrying items (does not necessarily need a walk animation while carrying. Only digging into background.) and dangling from the ceiling!

the width should be as small as possible for better movement in Clonk landscapes:

a nest!

If you can think of possible problems about that please let me know! It's always easier to think of solutions before actually implementing the concept than to change it afterwards.
Also the creature needs a name! That's why I called it "creature" the whole time ;)

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