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Up Topic ScriptGo, ScriptN, goto and ScriptCounter

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In Response to PeterW
We always have the option to do it better. In script we have the freedom of adding extra features. For the Sunshine radio, for example, I built a system which is a bit like script counters, but with multiple named tracks. On another note Sven's Seven Keys outro (as nice as it is) keeps getting stuck and causing bugs at the most critical time in the scenario (emergency timeouts would be a great feature!). That sort of thing keeps coming up, so putting a bit of thought into a foolproof "game sequence" system might not be the worst of ideas. And keeping the whole topic in the engine will definitely keep it from happening.

(btw: how do the tutorials do it anyway? They seem to have some pretty good ideas about skipping ahead as well - another thing good sequencing should allow)

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