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Up Topic ScriptGo, ScriptN, goto and ScriptCounter

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In Response to Sven2

> No, we couldn't. Not all high-level interfaces have a more powerful alternative interface in the engine. Don't argue against strawmen.

An interface can only be termed "high-level" if an associated low-level interface exists. Anyway, I'm not arguing terminology here. I'm defending the existence of interface that do not allow you to do more than an existing interface does, but that can solve specialized problems with less code effort.

You brought up valid points against such helpers, like the added complexity, additional maintenance work, or the risk that scripters run into the limits of the library. However, those have to be weighed against the benefit induced by having the helper. Because both cost and benefit differ for each library, each case has to be analyzed individually. And in my opinion, when weighing cost and benefits, benefits for a user far outweigh any costs for a developer, because the engine should primarily cater to its users and not to its developers.

In the case of the ScriptCounter, as you may have noticed, people who have scripted scenarios in the past just defended their existence, while the "cost" was so far only stated as "an ugly line in the game compilation code". If that line is really so ugly, then take your time and rewrite the thing in script. Maybe even improve the interface to allow for more flexibility. But don't just kill it.

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