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In Response to ST-DDT
In my post i never talk about extracting mats from the landscape.
I tried to change the pipe system.
How the mat is transported and which calls are made.

#SourcePipe->GetLiquid(int dnMat, int dnMaxAmount, object pPump)
##SourceObject->LiquidOutput(int dnMat, int dnMaxAmount, object pPump, object pPipe)
#TargetPipe->PutLiquid(int dnMat, int dnMaxAmount, object pPump)
##TargetObject->LiquidInput(int dnMat, int dnMaxAmount, object pPump, object pPipe)

So you can reroute/specify/block liquid flow, like you can block clonks enter a building because they are hostile.

Non of these objects should change something in another (only via funccalls)
the old system somewhere someobject decides which barrel to fill in the liquids in the targetbuilding. Thats stupid. ObjectExtractLiquid...

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