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Up Topic New LiquidPump System

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In Response to ST-DDT

>You might want to have a look at the PowerConsumer and PowerGenerator libraries. They are good examples of well documented libraries. You don't have to do this since there are still many libs badly documented but I would be helpful for all other developers.

Maybe i'm a bad documentor, but i really don't know how to put more into documentation. (Maybe because its english)
Everything else would be.
//search barrel
var barrel=FindObject(Barrel)
//found barrel?
if (!barrel)
return false;
//get material
var new_mat=barrel->GetMaterial();
//already extracted
var extracted=0;
//search barrels
for (barrels with liquid new_mat)
//get liquid

maybe i could add a sentence like "object pump: if you don't like the pump you can restrict liquid flow"

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