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In Response to ST-DDT
And you don't understand me.

Maybe this works with such hot materials like lava. (I don't think so because lava would water to steam too additionaly to the other material because its to hot. and than this liquid circle will not work because both of them are mixed.
If its work it have to very very large, because of heat shields. i won't guess the size but it definitly will not fit into a structure

maybe you can use lava as fuel to melt something, which leads me back to a statement of mine.

>i think the object/structure/author should becide whether it uses oil or lava.

if you want to produce energy with heat you can also take to gigantic metal plates and connect a wire to them. The temperature differenze will cause energy flow.
I think one of the Jupiter satelites uses this kind of energysource, because you cant use solarpanels in that distance to sun.
They use natural nuclear radiation/destruction/splitting warmth for that. Like a battery.

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