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Up Topic Out-of-tree builds need a symlink to planet now

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In Response to Günther
The occasion for me to finally change this was the recent divergence of the mac build. But the main motivation was to make the case of CMakeLists.txt and CMakeCache.txt in the same directory work, because that is what anybody who hasn't read the tutorial would do. I think I simply expected the planet/CMakeCache.txt case to still work as before, because the tutorial doesn't use BUILD_TO_PLANET, and I assumed that was because the engine landed in planet/ and would find the data like an installed engine would. Now I'm somewhat baffled that the the tutorial has worked at all.

The simple solution is that everyone puts their CMakeCache.txt in the same folder as the CMakeLists.txt. That'll reduce the diversity of build environments and prevent future breakages. I'll start by making the tutorial say that.

Another solution would be to hardcode the path to planet in the executable, instead of looking for planet in the directory where the exe or the folder with the exe is. But I don't really want to leak the build environment into the release binaries like that.

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