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Up Topic Move all sounds to Sound.ocg?

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In Response to Günther

> There's also the argument that we might introduce a system to disambiguate the sounds or meshes in future.

I very much doubt that. It is far, far easier to just prefix the problematic sounds, so nobody will be annoyed enough to design and implement something more complicated.

> you always have to check for leftover sounds

You have to do that anyway, lest you break other objects which also use the sound that just happened to be in that particular folder.

> And am I overlooking something, or won't this end up loading a lot of unnecessary sounds once we have multiple object packs?

In that case we could put the sounds in the toplevel directory of that object pack. But maybe we will instead change to load every object at the start of the game to shorten the scenario load times? That actually sounds more plausible to me than the hypothetical "system to disambiguate" :-)

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