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Up Topic Why change for the sake of changing?

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In Response to Günther

> And to me, when you arguing that you are not going to extend it/change it for the good of the gameplay, but for the sake of change, that is where I lose you.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we are not capable of doing miracles. (Neither are you, I think. Forgive me this little ad hominem attack.) Thus we cannot create the one perfect game to end all games. Clonk Rage is about as good as it gets - there might be one or too little steps we could still take to make it strictly better, but nothing spectacular. So if we want to keep interest going, we have to change something. We might try to fool ourselves and pretend that the change would be strictly for the better. But we prefer to be honest, and we know that for every change there is somebody playing Clonk who will hate the change. Even crashfixes are not always exempted! So the best you can get is a game where all changes are for the better in your opinion. Of course, you'll have to help with development to make that happen. :-)

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