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In Response to Zapper
On the OCM Guenther asked me to make a list of what is not optimal about the current effect implementation.

- the "target" parameter unneeded. The only parameter needed is "effect" with the target as a property. Maybe same for "time" (in Fx*Timer)?

- temporary callbacks / Initialize / Destruction
You probably see the line if(temp) return; more than Start-calls without it.
Effects should have additional callbacks Fx*Initialize and Fx*Destruction that are meant to f.e. initialize variables. Those callbacks are obviously only called once on creation/removal - not on temporary Start/Stop

- all callbacks should automatically be forwarded to all effects on the object

- too few seem to use the return-value constants for Fx*Timer
Including me... why? Are they too hard to remember? In the docs it even says If this function is not implemented or returns -1, the effect will be deleted after this call.

Something else that I needed once:
- when is Fx*Stop called? After the items are dropped but before the Death()-callback in the object?
There is no possibility to easily f.e. remove the items of a Clonk when he dies(?)

- constants for some effect priorities (minor)

Anything else?

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