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Up Topic Why change for the sake of changing?

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In Response to MastroLindo
I generally agree on everything Newton has said here.

Moreover I add my personal opinion.

Clonk is an old game. Not old meaning "bad". It is just old. Its mechanics, its interfaces, its design has changed a lot during the years, but they are all related to the basic game that has more than 15 years.

I think Clonk is a great game. But I think that the old design has several huge limits. A lot of work has been done to create workarounds around these limits and to add more and more game content. But I also think that after all these years clonk should just stop to "improving" and start "evolving".

I have so many things in mind that could be so awesome in clonk, but that they just won't be as fun as they could be in the actual design. Air, sea and ground vehicles combats for example. They are possible in actual clonk, but they are slow, stupid, not fun. Or better they are 20% of the fun and excitement they could give with new design. This is just an example, but all the ideas in the "ideas subforum" are wonderful examples of how the game can evolve (not improve).

After all I think that all people here loves clonk for its infinite possibilities, deep interaction with objects and environment, and so on.
And I don't think these elements will go away in the new title.

They will just (hopefully) be brought to a new level. Huge improvements can be done on user control, interfaces, combat, productions, buildings, and so on. Probably so huge that this will bring the game to a title that has little in common with the original clonk.

But 1) the original clonk is still there, you can play it whenever you want

2)the things you love from clonk will still be there. It will just have a different feeling of using it. Different mechanics. But different is not worse. Changes are not for the sake of changing. Changes are for the sake of developing some features and ideas that are easier and better to be implemented in a new system than inside the old one.

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