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Up Topic Harvesting: Sickles and swords

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In Response to Wipfhunter
I totally agree with Sven 2.
I would suppose to solve the whole "tool problem" in a way it was solved in the game Stranded 2:
There you're able to use different tools like mallets, axes, scythes, eg. to perform the same task, but they are not all equally efficient.
For example, you could use a sword to harvest grain, but you won't get as much grains as you would have got using a scythe.
To cut down a tree, better use an axe than a mallet, and to harvest berries, just take your bare hands and not your axe unless you want to smash the bush before you get any berries from it.

Of course, special tools like the shovel or the construction hammer should only be used for their purpose.

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