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In Response to boni
Wall of Text crits for 9999dmg. But there is more! I just felt that this should be seperated as it kinda concerns a different topic.

Picking stuff up

The whole "Digging-up-earth-chunks" discussion has brought me to another design related question: How do we pick up stuff?

As far as I see there 2 options: Automatically or by button/command.
Again, picking up by clicking on it  with the mouse would be a luxury and it's the same pathfinding + do something as the interaction-stuff.

I assume that the bucket-sollution will be implemented for earth, however, let's ask ourselves "what do we want to pick up" and "how do we handle it in our inventory"?
I could think of the following situations:
  • Picking something up, that's lying on the ground. (Gold,...)

  • I want to dig something out. (Flints)

  • I want to mine Sulphur/Coal/...

  • I want to exchange the thing I'm holding for something different.

  • I don't want to pick X up

  • I want to dit through Sulphur/Coal/... and not pick up stuff

Automatic collection is the easiest for the first three points and the 4th one only occurs in a full inventory, however NOT picking up stuff seems to be a problem here.
Pressing a button to pick an object up seems ok too, however it's pretty troublesome if you want to pick up more items or mine coal etc.
Pressing and holding a button allows you to decide what to pick up, and how much.

Having a combination of tipping a button to pick up 1 object, and holding it to pick up several looks like a good compromise to me. Holding the button practically equals automatic collection. The only problem here is digging out stuff in materials that produce objects. But Flints and the like should hopefully never be placed inside of coal/... by the engine or mean scenario-developers.

Still leaves the "I want to exchange something" problem. If the inventory is full, tipping the pickup-button could drop the selected inventory slot to the ground, and pick up the other object.

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