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In Response to Günther

> What's with for example vertex lists? What C4Value type whould that be?

An array would be the most obvious :-)

> 1. Do you think the prefix C4 for those is razonable?

"reasonable"? Every class has C4 as a prefix. Uniformity is important.

>>- C4IDs are replaced by (pointers to) proplists
> How does this look like?

At the moment it's almost imperceptible by the scripter - Definitions still have an id, and id literals in the script still work if a definition with that id is present. They just evaluate to a pointer to the definition (with c4value type proplist). All engine functions which took an id get that id now from the proplist. Most should be converted to directly operate on a proplist instead.

> 2. How does inheriting work? Would it be possible to have objects which do not inherit from C4Object/C4Def, which one can not create in the game but use for inheritance? (-> Svens OOP suggestion)

Yes, that's the whole point. The technical term is prototype-based programming.

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