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Up Topic Further thoughts on inventory and controls

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In Response to Zapper

>I'm just wondering why we need two keys for the same action.

Because hitting "Space" does not have the same effect as hitting RMB (right mouse button).
[RMB] will open the context menu where you can select what you want.
[Space] instantly selects the first action that you would have in the menu. That would usually be grabbing the lorry you stand in front of or interacting with your building.
It is not a different key for the same action, but it is a shortcut key for an action that would otherwise require more time.

When you are comparing with shooters:
Think of the "Re-Buy Previous" in CS: yes, you could select your inventory manually again - this button just makes it faster.

[Also in any shooters I know I can assign at least two keys for any action ;)  ]

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