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Up Topic Further thoughts on inventory and controls

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In Response to boni
I think this needs a bit more clarifying.
The main-motivation for the change from 2-hand to 1-hand-with-quickswitch is that it simply feels awkward as it is now. Managing 2 slots, where you have to switch often, is kinda weird. And most of the time you set item X on one slot and switch around the other a lot. The only advantage 2 hands has is in very few cases, like sword+shield. The quickswitch allows to use shield and sword, or other combinations, too. With the downside of 1 more button pressed.

The interaction-stuff to the right-mouse change has a few reasons:
1. We can put the inventory at the bottom. Mapping is important in UI-Design. Have you ever seen a game where 1-9 weren't aligned horizontally?
2. You don't have to figure out the right number and press a space+key combination anymore. Instead you just hold right mouse, move it into the direction of the picture you want, release. (or click a 2nd time) A nice side-effect is that this translates very well to gamepads too.
3. In a perfect world, you'd only need Space to interact. Most interactions like grabbing can be done by simply pressing space. The clonk should perform the most "obvious" action then. This not only introduces more clarity to what happens (space = first item in bar vs. "space does stuff I want"). In general you'll mostly use space, and use the right-click when you want to do something less common. (This includes having a lorry grabbed and trying to use a workshop)
(4. I can imagine that it's easier for people to think of space as "does stuff" and right click as "I interact with that stuff there")

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