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Up Topic Further thoughts on inventory and controls

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In Response to Clonkonaut
Forget to reply yesterday, will do it now.

Matthi always stressed on how important the connection between mouse button and mouse position is. Opening of a menu is something completely irrelevant to the mouse position and there is no real need to not use a less important button - like Q.
If you really want to get rid of two items (which I support) then why not have two possible click actions for every object? The sword gets a parry feature on rightclick which - correctly timed - blocks an attack. If you carry a shield in another slot (or in your hotswitch slot), rightclick will use the shield to block.

There are more useful rightclick action which are very easy to come up with:
Axe: chopping on left, attacking on right
Bucket: The bucket has basically two behaviours: collect earth and drop earth. They cycle every click which is very bad because you can never be sure which state the bucket is on.
TeleGlove: Let rightclick push the lifted object away.
Bow/Musket: Rightclick changes ammunition type.
Shield: Rightclick could do a shield dash to topple over other clonks.

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