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Up Topic Further thoughts on inventory and controls

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In Response to boni

> Opening of a menu is something completely irrelevant to the mouse position and there is no real need to not use a less important button - like Q.

The menu opens at the mouse position! *cough*
No, but really, it's all about the flow/feeling.

>Bucket: The bucket has basically two behaviours: collect earth and drop earth. They cycle every click which is very bad because you can never be sure which state the bucket is on.

Then the bucket needs a full-graphic. ;)
The examples you listed are mostly ones that alternate anyway. Having that on one button or two doesn't really matter, because in most cases one of the two wont do anything at all! I fully understand why alternating sucks, when you're never sure WHAT action will be performed. But this is better solved by giving the player easily readable information. (Hey, the bucket is overflowing it earth. It's probably full!)

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