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Up Topic [Tutorial] Howto create Normalmaps

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In Response to Newton
Nice. But uff, whats up with your English?

Care to put that into the wiki?
I´d like to add some more info about creating the normal map (and correct some spelling mistakes).

You see that the Nvidea tool does not do a good job here. The final door looks somewhat dirty and rough - compared to the original high poly model.
E.g. the nails taken from the bump map appear in the normal map in a wrong shape: Not as round bumps, but as pits (with round bumps in it). I have a bit of experience on how to make a normal map look better.

However, already the "bump map" you show here is not really a bump map how it should look. A correct bump map would normally show the height of the pixels (height map: the lighter the higher) which yours does not - exactly where it comes to the nails: Even the borders of the nails would have to be lighter.

You rendered it with front light. But I think there must be something like a "render heightmap option" oder even "render normalmap" option in a modern modelling program, no?
Edit: k, see henry

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