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In Response to Pyrit
Hi, I tried to set up the C4DT for OpenClonk in eclipse.

The last thing I did was creating a new clonk project named OpenClonk. I installed the game from the official release before, so I chose "link" to the groups. Now I have an OpenClonk project in the project explorer and all the linked objects and folders and stuff. But I can't launch scenarios that are in the list.

It says "Fehlende oder ungültige Engine-Datei: K:\Spiele\Open Clonk\eclipse\Unspecified"

And I can create new scenarios, but they only show up in the workspace folder as folders (e.g. NewScenario.ocs). How do I get them into the actual game path as a packed file?

What comes now I haven't done yet. It says:

>To actually edit stuff, you need to create a new project that references the project containing the linked c4groups. Actually, this is not strictly necessary but advisable to keep things clear.

Does this mean I have to make another clonk project? Is this step neccessary?

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