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In Response to Pyrit
Let's make something like a little brainstorming on how the editor mode could be improved to make it more comfortable for people to create new scenarios.
Here are some suggestions of mine:

- when you run a scenario in editor mode the game should start paused. So you can prepare yourself for possible events that start at the beginning of the round.

- a rotate tool for objects could come in handy. So you don't have to rotate objects like roots via script.

- another tool I sometimes wished the engine would have is a fill-tool for the landscape editor. To quickly replce a material with another.

- An undo button, if you accidentaly deleted an object or drew some poop into the landscape. (On a sidenote there is a bug at least since CR. While drawing, when you go out of the viewport with a held down mouse button and go back in it's like you are still holding down the button, even if it's released. You can accidentally destroy lots of the landscape if you aren't careful!)

- Better viewport controls. It has been discussed that the scrollbars don't work 100%. My idea would be to zoom in and out with the mouse wheel and navigate through the landscape with holding down the middle mouse button and "drag" the landscape left and right and up and down. Or hold down shift or crtl to do this. Or have a hand drag tool in the toolbox

- I don't know how this could be done, but have support for objects like switches and stone doors. To quickly determine wich switch controls wich door. Or have quick access to the functions that connect the objects together. Activating things like the ropebridge could also be faster.

- Faster access to all the script functions. Maybe type in the first few characters of a function and then recieve the suggestions for the function. If you select one you get the function ready with all syntax parameters. So you don't have to learn by heart wich functions have which parameters and the order of these parameters.

- ...?

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