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In Response to Andriel

>- when you run a scenario in editor mode the game should start paused. So you can prepare yourself for possible events that start at the beginning of the round.

Such events are rather rare, imagine what a pain it would be to always resume the game if there was no such event. Furthermore, if the game already starts paused, nothing will happen. You would have to pause it after one or two frames. And what if the event happens at the fourth frame?

>- a rotate tool for objects could come in handy. So you don't have to rotate objects like roots via script.

That's the most important feature on this list, imho.

>- another tool I sometimes wished the engine would have is a fill-tool for the landscape editor. To quickly replce a material with another.

I never needed something like this, so I can't say anything about it.

>- An undo button, if you accidentaly deleted an object or drew some poop into the landscape.

That would come in handy quite often, but I think it is rather hard to implement, because you had to save everything you changed, like moving something, drawing a material, ...

>- Better viewport controls.

I think it is already a lot better in OC, because you can zoom out and therefore have a better overview of the map.

>- Faster access to all the script functions.

I agree, a small mouse-hover-over tooltip like in Eclipse would be very helpful!

Something I would like to have: Bigger object properties windows, maybe with a better structure, but just making them resizable would already make it a lot easier to view the properties, especially since there is much more information showen in them in OC. Look at the clonks properties for example!

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