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Up Topic Game lags only for laggy clients?

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In Response to Zapper
Chat messages were just one example that belong to one of their game-states.

But generally, the overhead of being able to create a game-state delta packet against the last-acknowledged state means that the server would rather keep past states in memory (which obviously increases the packet size of later updates) instead of rather keeping UDP-packets around to be able to re-send them on request.

Yes, the requirements in Clonk are very different: in Quake a client obviously receives game-state-updates as opposed to controls. That's partly why a client is really not interested in past game-states to have a synchronized simulation.

But I still got from that article that even in a high-fps & low-latency environment like a FPS it does not matter much whether the UDP packets are now 5B or 100B - completely independant of chat-messages.

PS: and I'd believe that Clonk currently uses more the very small (<5B?) packets?

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