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Up Topic [Settlement/Co-op] Goldseek

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In Response to Pyrit
[Settlement/Co-op] Goldseek

In this scenario the players must discover the goldreserves in the landscape and mine all gold. But be careful! Don't try to swim in lava or acid. Also deep caves can be very dark. Good thing torches can be crafted in the toolsworkshop.

Dargonclonk and me sucessfully finished it yesterday, so I think I can upload it. There could still be bugs left, but we didn't find any. If you find one, please report when or how it happend.

1.3 Update:
*Moved statue to the middle of the map
*You can see very far on the mountains
*Colored Butterflies that don't get stuck that often
*Statue remembers if you have talked to it before. If you play the level again, you don't have to watch 1 minute of speech again.
*Cave sounds when it's dark. CC BY 3.0 from

1.2 Update:
*you can zoom in how you want. But zooming out still depends on darkness level. This means you must zoom out manually every time it gets bright.
*statue heals to full HP and doesn't eat your goldbars when you have full HP
*torches only need 1 wood and 1 sulfur now

1.1 Update:
*more loam on the right
*more water on the left
*torches have little flames now
*the view range zoom depends on how dark it is (please tell me if it feels too snappy. I can easily remove this feature again.)
*torches can be placed on walls for maximum brightness
*most important: improved the color of the shrooms :p

Type: Settlement, Co-op
Goal: Goldmine
Mapsize: Medium
MaxPlayer: 4
Playtime: 1.5h (2 Players)

I hereby license the file FeS2Gold-seekv1.3.ocs under the CC-BY license

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