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Up Topic [Settlement/Co-op] Goldseek

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In Response to Clonk-Karl
First of all, let me say that if it's only for colored mushrooms and you don't change the mesh as such, duplicating the mesh is rather pointless. The script solution with SetMeshMaterial is perfectly fine for that.

A quick way to change the default material is to use the OgreXMLConverter tool. It is part of the OGRE command line tools and can be downloaded here. You need to run it on the command line like this: OgreXMLConverter Graphics.mesh. The easiest way to run it is to have the OgreXMLConverter.exe in the same directory as the Graphics.mesh file. This produces then a Graphics.mesh.xml file, that you can edit with a text editor. In the XML text, search for the material name and replace it with the new material. Then, run OgreXMLConverter Graphics.mesh.xml to convert the XML text back to the binary .mesh format. Afterwards, delete the Graphics.mesh.xml file.

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