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Up Topic [Settlement/Co-op] Goldseek

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In Response to Pyrit

>It would be cool if the view range increased drastically when you go up to one of the mountains or the sky islands. I.e., let it stay the same at the starting positions, but when you fly up to the skies the range doubles.

Ok, that should be easy to achieve. Same with lower viewrange in the cave. :)

>It would be good if the healing statue were more central both because then you could go there more often and you would get there earlier. You most likely need it once you've reached the acid, so if it were to the right of the upper acid lakes I think that would be cool.

Also managable.

>There's some sky pixel at the bottom left of the map

Yeah forgot to fix that. :)

>One idea that would make the map slightly harder would be if the pickaxe couldn't mine granite

My idea would be that it breaks after you used it too much. Indiceted by Zapper's reloading background. Just the other way round.
It's overpowered anyways. Nobody uses dynamite anymore when they have gained a pickaxe once.

@IRC and auto zoom:

Autozoom was there in the version before, but you couldn't zoom in anymore. And I really missed that. Sometimes I want to zoom in very close, even if it's fully bright.

>I guess there needs to be a certain movement threshold for the zooming out, so you can still zoom in if you need to

Maybe you could elaborate this a bit more? :)

I would like it to work like this: The game should somehow remember how far the player had zoomed out, before he went into a dark area. When he walks into the bright again, it zooms out again, but only so far like it was before. That would somehow mean to keep track of how often he had rolled the mousewheel/pressed F5, I think?

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