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Up Topic "BASS" for Sounds

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In Response to K-Pone
Well, I know a good plugin from un4seen which is called BASS. With BASS you are able to play sound files like Wave, MP3, OGG, WMA and many more, and with plugins you're also able to play MIDI files by using a soundfont, mix sounds and music and add effects, and much more. I know it's free for non-commercial usage, a single commercial licence costs 950€, an unlimitted commercial licence costs 2450€. A shareware license costs 100€, but isn't compatible with open clonk because to obtain a shareware licence you have to sell the product for 40€ or more and open clonk is free because it's open source.
An example where BASS is used is Engine001, a freeware Action/RPG Maker.

How do you think it would be to use BASS in open clonk?

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