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Up Topic [Settlement/Co-op] Goldseek

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In Response to PeterW

> If I stand still, it might also be because I am looking around (so I'd want the game to be zoomed out!).

I thought about that as well - in real life you often gaze into the distance (to keep your vision steady?), but in a 2D game there's actually little point in standing still when trying to look at something afar. Instead you would typically be walking towards it. The only exception would be when you are attached to something that prohibits movement, such as a catapult, a case that would be covered. "Standing guard" could still be annoying, hm.

And I would replace "as far as possible" with "as far as we want to allow" there. Technically we could give full vision, but I feel that limiting the field of view is a powerful tactical tool. In Soldat you can get so much milage out of people that don't know how to properly use their field of view...

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