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Up Topic Tidying Scenario.txt

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In Response to ala
Just pushing this, because of the Mape Implementation. I always thought the system was a barrier for new creators, I'm not sure if it could do entirely without code, probably not, but this could be for the more advanced users.

>About the landscape editor: It sure was a nice tool as a newbie. I could easily create some stuff with it and I used it extensively before I got used to landscape.txts. But yeah there is no reason not to remove it completely - but only if some similar interface components for beginners can be added for landscape.txts.

This might actually be little work(?), ck has already done the Mape-editor, all that would be left would be some bars for the parameters, hopefully.

Would it be possible to add some rulers and buttons, so the whole thing would become as easy as in the old Clonk Planet generator?
For most algorithms the parameters are the same except the a and b parameter. So we could have a general buttons/rulers for each algorithm with all possible modifications.
Only those who have an effect on the algorithm would be shown. The funny thing is always, that not every parameter modifies every algorithm and the whole thing is HARD to grasp. I have to try out every time I code a landscape!

Values which can only be 0 or 1 would get a simple check box.


If somebody is willing to do this I will help out in planning and testing.

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