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Up Topic First thoughts about a fitting (hostile) AI animal

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In Response to pluto
whats about this idea, which i had lately. Maybe imagine the forehands bigger, so this "thing" could be able to dig. Of course the ability of jumping and climbing (on the ceiling as well!) is necessary ability to get along with these crazy clonkish landscape-shit.

I would really like to see this thing rideable for clonks. As said above with these necessary abilies as well.

By the way it could be used as "Scenario decoration" as well: mumbling some grass, towing little coaches and carts.. whatever.

to make it short: this "thing" could simply be a "small universal ultimative clonkish horse": Digging, Climbing, offering Wool, Riding animal(which can dig and climb!), living decoration,...

PS: I really would like to attach this stupid graphic now, but how? <- Ok solved!

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