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Up Topic [model] Power Storage

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In Response to pluto
some comments for these things:

-The cage looks stupid, you're right, nobody will understand what this should be. What I was thinking about was more a "metal" box with several window (J.J. offered already a scetch, but I imagine bigger windows on the each face.
-The glass-thing does not look like a power-whatever. It simply looks like nothing. Maybe try a "edgy" glass thing instead of a "round" cylinder. That could look less modern and a bit more technical.
-What about add some wooden parts? e.g. 4 wood colums with a sloped roof? like most of the other buildings? r maybe a  wooden frame insead of a metal cage. A sloped roof on the top of this box with the lamps could be a nice alternative?
what about adding more crazy power-line-salad everwhere: in the cylinder on the top of the "lamp box", on the side of the "lamp-box"...?

-what about a total new design? Maybe you have a good idea by yourself. nobody forces you to stick on mimmos idea?

Maybe you can have a use of at least one of my comments.

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