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In Response to Fungiform
actually at the moment I am tinkering about methods to improve the tools and methods here in the graphics section. Its not that refined that I would post it here yet but I'm very interested in giving the Art team a boost and bring more stuff into the game.
I actually felt the same frustration and confusion coming to the OC art development. I think we have all the talent and work power here if we manage to organize our workflow a bit better.

Actually I don't think it is a good Idea to develop the graphics one by one. In this case style, proportions and color will vary on each object and be mostly influenced by personal taste of a single artist.
We should try to define steps for the art development and push the core objects together through each of these steps. Though that might imply that for some time we wont have a steady flow of new graphics.
I understand that it is important that we have new stuff to show in each release, but now that we already have some game content its maybe a good idea to spent some time to organize graphics creation an think of a better way for the artists to work together. I would be happy to spent time on that.

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