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In Response to Fungiform
First of all I don't want to topple over any of the work that has been done.
I just think many things are much faster and fun if there is a plan.
When its clear what Objects are needed, its easy to make concept drawings for everything in one run.
If there are approved concepts, its easy to model after them.
If we have a set of textures, its not a big deal to apply them.

I think what is more of a problem is that we don't want to rely on ONE artist and his style. We want a good way to do graphics now and everyone else later should be able to make graphics for their stuff as easily.
How can we do that? Give some hints on proportion, materials, style elements etc.
I don't see what sense it makes to have a door look different in every building. Clonks most likely have their way in building doors, the graphics could show that and it gets easy for us because we design it once and use it then or make variations of it. That is one real advantage of 3d models. In old clonk days you always had to cut and paste graphics parts from the sawmill or something... 
Same for Textures. Why should wood look different in every place we have. For now clonks chop down those fir trees. So the wood they use is probably fir. Yes we want it to have a kludgy look but that doesn't mean its random...

So the idea would be:
1. to have references for general style elements
2. think of defining elements for each building we want (sawmill -> saw blade, woodlogs ; smith -> anvil, coal pile, hammer )
3. combine these to concepts

over time we can fine tune the symbolics for the buildings and even make different economic branches easier to identify. e.g. all energy buildings share a specific element (maybe the generator in a nice clockpunk style)
All in all it will be easy to derive building version with the stuff in a hut or in a machine-like frame or integrated into castle parts...

I also don't see what we have to loose. We have the stuff we have and whatever we do can just help to get people excited to join. We should expose as many tasks as possible so people get inspired and start doing stuff...

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