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Up Topic Lands of Mystery 1.6.0

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In Response to Maikel
Great to see a first complete object and scenario pack. First some feedback in general, I think the spells are quite interesting and look good with nice effects, also error free. Sometimes it is a bit hard to find out how they behave or what they do, try to improve this somehow, I don't have good suggestions here. The Standard teleport spell should be removed, it sucks, it takes one away from the action rather than towards it, this is making game play less fun.

Then some scenario specific criticism:

Lake Battle: Landscape a bit too large, way to many relaunches, it took us 40 minutes to complete with 7 players, you should rather aim for ten minutes.

Kingdoms CTF: That one is quite good, make the lost weapons and bodies disappear through the rules which you can find in the original content.

Buckets: Did not work, I could not understand what had to be done.

I will test the others some other time, all in all this has potential to be much fun to play, however requires some fine tuning here and there.

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