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Up Topic Trees and vegatation

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In Response to Newton
Wow, that looks awesome (as well, Fungiforms sketches are also cool)! Makes me think about background decoration consisting of huge trees for deep-forest-scenarios in the background, too large to hack down (and/or slightly parallax).

For trees as a resource, keep in mind that it should to look comprehensible hacking the tree down. A trunk that is as thick as a house is probably not suitable (22). I don't think we will or should stick to the "hack tree -> a few pieces of small wood items come out" workflow in the long term, it looks very weird.
You know, I am a friend of Clonkonaut's heavy resources concept: If you hack down a tree, long logs could come out there which you have to carry to the next sawmill (carry-heavy). This would also remove the annoying task of shoving the tree around the landscape. But then, the logs should more or less look like the trunk they come from.

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