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Up Topic Screenshake bug

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In Response to Nachtschatten
You don't see what's going on on your screen. This may not be that critical when mining, but in hectic melee situations it is. That is also why I'm not a fan of overdone explosion effects (aside from screen shaking). Even more annoying were the earthquakes, which lasted several seconds.
What I also found irritating for the eyes was the randomness of the shaking. There were some games that did it differently by just giving the screen a fluid up-and-down motion. Red Alert on the PlayStation did it that way if my memory serves right. Trying that alternative effect may be worth a try.
Well, to be clear: I don't want such "juicy" effects for small explosions like those of flints. This is small stuff that happens all the time. About massive explosions with nice effects and a shaking screen: Yes, please!

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