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Up Topic Conquer the Deep!

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In Response to Clonkonaut
With the settlement well on its way and about to get some more development, I took my time today on the train to fantasise. Take this thread as part conceptual and part inspiration. I am (at least not yet) not so fond of starting such a huge new things with parts of the settlement unfinished and surely unpolished. Also with the graphical change ongoing, there is much happening right now.

Nonetheless, I will play out in detail my thoughts on what could be achieved with water. It all started about two or one and a half years ago when I was laying out the concepts of the settlement when someday I made this page:

...but then decided to dump it away until settlement's done. A week or two ago some people on IRC were talking about submarines and so on, so I fetched this sheet and scanned it. But Matthi wasn't content and said to me that I either come up with a lot of ideas and coherent concepts or be gone. Well, that's what I tried to do, at least for a beginning.

First things first: Adventures into the deep sea require a solid base. A ready supply of power is mandatory! Keep in mind that from time to time your base will be without maintenance, so power stations should work on their own for a certain time.

Next, build your pumps! We already have pumps that do pump air into water, right? Well, deep sea equipment is often air powered, as well as your clonks! The generated power gets converted into air and then pumped deep down below where we need it. Diving into the deep should be about spreading your air network.

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