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Up Topic Conquer the Deep!

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In Response to Clonkonaut
I'll get into the details now: Items first!

The diving helmet is the standard equipment, allowing your clonk to breath underwater. Simply connect it to the air pipe of a pump and you can enjoy your trip into the blue. I haven't put much thought into how this kind of equipment would be handled gameplay-wise. At a first glance, I'd like if there wasn't any kind of "equipping" mechanic (with another menu or so) but just have it easy: Having a helmet in your inventory makes it available (display on the clonk).
Same goes for shoes:

These could be tricky. Idea is that wearing those makes your clonk heavier, effectively sinking faster. Swimming gets harder. Standing on the ocean ground will be possible with these.

Light-weighted and simple equipment: Makes you swim faster! Are kind of expensive - rubber things probably need oil for production?

Quickly drawn, handy in every underwater situation! Very short stabbing range, kind of last resort or helpful to cut free from anything. I just don't see clonks handling a sword underwater.

Man the harpoons! Standard weaponry, versatile and deadly. Obviously like the spear but made from pure metal, so it keeps its momentum when thrown into water. Bonus feature could be the rope dangling from the eye at the back of the harpoon for quickly retrieving the harpoon (hopefully with a fish attached). Comes in bigger packs, so you can scatter them around.
Throwing them is a good thing but you get more punch when shooting!

The underwater musket! Air-driven! I must probably elaborate: The idea is that the "muzzle" is a pipe. The pressure tank on the back gets filled with air and when the trigger is pulled, the air is released into the pipe, moving the "driver" forward. The harpoon is attached to it and so gets fired. The air will pour out backwards, from the exhaust. Of course, in water you can't fire powder but compressed air is at hand. The harpoon slinger is easily reloaded in the air but deep down you need an air supply (pipe, probably attached onto your helmet). If you haven't one, you get only one shot from your slinger. Better make it count!

The trident is more like a starting equipment. Lightweighted wood (or bone?), sharp tips like needles. Usually thrown from the shore into the water to impale a fish that got too close. Remember the scene from Cast Away:

This is more sophisticated and again very versatile. Combine the (basic and more or less useless) fishnet with wood and pluck it into the water to catch fish (but a bait into it, to make it more attractive). Combine it with rocks and you got your throwing net. Attach it to your boat and it gets a nasty dragnet.

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