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Up Topic Packaging OpenClonk (c4group conflict)

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In Response to B_E
Hi all, this is not a problem directly related to OpenClonk as game, but more of an issue packaging it for a certain Linux distribution. Since we don't have an off topic board anymore, I figured I'd post it here.

I recently submitted an update to a so-called PKGBUILD to the public Arch Linux User Repository to work with OpenClonk 5.4.0, enabling users to quickly install the stable version. This works out fine so far, the only problem is that c4group is installed to /usr/bin/c4group, which conflicts with another PKGBUILD for Clonk Rage. I do think it makes sense to keep the binaries at the respective location of the distribution, but have any other packagers maybe got experience how this could be done with both games at once?
Does it make sense to create another package only for c4group which Clonk Rage and OpenClonk can depend upon, or are the version differences problematic? Should I agree with the other maintainer to keep the whole games in their own folders, similar to how the binary tarballs are published? I'd be really happy for any ideas or recommendations to enable users to keep both games on one system.

On a related note, am I able to tell OpenClonk where the game files are located? The game seems to only find them in /usr/share/games/openclonk, whereas the distribution usually would recommend using /usr/share/openclonk (if I don't go they way of putting binaries and game data in the same folder).

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