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In Response to Newton
Ok so I need to mention one thing or two:

1. No, we had lotsa more spam, you just don't see it when I deleted it already.
2. Now that the forum registration works with all subsystems, I want higher security to keep bots out
3. To keep bots out, the question may of course not be googable (f.e. Matthes Bender).
4. Recaptchas were not a barrier for bots. I don't know why but they didn't hold off the spambots.

Also, and that is the worst thing, there seem to be maintainers of bot nets which actively try to overcome those security questions if they are worth the effort / easy enough. The question once was "Whats the name of this game" and later "The icon of OpenClonk shows a musket and a ...?". I think the second one worked for only a week or so and the first spambots arrived.
That is why I chose a word that would require people to install the game to find out. So far, we had no spam whatsoever. I mean, there are not that many people who have not played the game but still want to post here, or are there?

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