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Up Topic [Music] Island Dreams (formerly the unnamed reggae song)

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In Response to Matthias
It's good, but I must admit every time I listen to this, I kind of expected the first melody to return (or be hinted at) at some point in the second half, like a "refrain" or "main theme" or "characteristic melody" something (still lacking, music-vocabulary, sorry ;)). Nonetheless, I like the new part as well, but it's a little bit less catchy as the first part in my opinion - I think there is less earworm potential there, because there are 2 (3?) different parts in the second half (which are all good!) that sound like they should go /between/ the "refrain" to bridge them. But maybe this opinion is simply because I already listened to the first part more often in the previous versions, I dunno.. I might think otherwise after hearing this one 4 hours consecutively in some settlement scenario :)

I'm in favor of dropping this in the game to try it out. We might get some feedback from players in the next release then.

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